All you need to know about Jala Neti Yoga Technique

What is Jala Neti?
Jala Neti is an ancient yogic technique that uses lukewarm water to clean the nasal canal efficiently. A little salt is needed, just a little.
History Of Jala Neti
Jala Neti in Sanskrit means Nasal/Nostril Cleansing. Hatha Yoga recommends the six broad purification categories, and Jala neti is one of the subcategories of the six broad categories. The purpose of these techniques is to keep you healthy and active.
Efficient procedure to perform Jal neti kriya
Generally, early morning is the best time to perform jal neti however, other times are also suitable. Before starting this technique, we need
- A neti pot
- Lukewarm water with a small amount of salt.
First, prepare a solution of 1/2 liter water and one teaspoon salt.
Remember that water is slightly warmer than body temperature level.
- Sit in Kagasana (squat).
- Keep a comfortable distance between the feet.
- Take a neti pot that contains saline water and insert the nozzle of the neti pot in the right nostril (if you are a right-hander) smoothly. Don’t push the nozzle forcefully against the nostril. Remember that there should be no gap between the nostril and the nozzle.
- Keep your mouth slightly open during the entire process, and breathe slowly through the mouth.
- Gradually tilt your head and neti pot simultaneously so water can run through the right nostril to the left.
- Stop this process when half the water gets finished and remove the nozzle from the nostril. Rinse all water and impurities from the nostril by breathing a bit forcefully.
- Repeat the same process with the left nostril with the remaining water.
After finishing the process, block the left nostril with a thumb and exhale forcefully (as in Kapalabhati or Fire breath) through the right nostril ten times.
Now block the right nostril and exhale forcefully through the right nostril ten times, then exhale forcefully through both nostrils ten times. It is essential to dry the nostrils after practice.
Don’t forget to add salt to the water because saline water has higher osmotic pressure than regular water and will not absorb into the membranes inside the nose. Absorption of water in membranes can lead to a slight sensation of pain.
While preparing salted water, make sure that salt gets fully dissolved in water and that there should be no salt crystals in the pot.
When you put a nozzle of the neti pot in the nostril, open your mouth for breathing.
If you are not comfortable in kagasana because of back pain or knee pain, you can bend over from the hips with your knees extended.
Jal neti benefits
Performing daily Jal Neti keeps your nostrils clean by removing dust, mucus, and different kinds of bacteria.
Relief from Allergies and Sinus
The most significant advantage of Jala neti is that it helps you to cure sinus infections and allergic reactions. Sinus infection is inflammation of the air cavities, which is present in the nose passages. As Jalaneti cleans your nostrils, you will surely get relief from the sinus.
Improve eyesight
Jal neti can improve eyesight. Many problems related to the eyes, like irritation, and night blindness, can be reduced effectively. It also helps to sharpen your vision.
Cure asthma
Jala neti is a blessing for asthma patients. It removes the mucus and dust from the nostrils. This practice can also help deliver more oxygen to the lungs. If you try this technique daily, you will find a noticeable improvement.
Smooth breathing
For the health of your lungs, you must breathe smoothly. Excessive mucus may interfere with the rhythmic breathing process. It assists in boosting our respiratory volumes while draining away this extra mucus.
Prevent hair issues
Increasing pollution and changing lifestyles have adversely affected the health of our hair. Here Jala neti is going to play a vital role in hair health. Performing this technique in the morning can improve your hair condition. It can reduce hair fall and protect the hair from becoming white/gray prematurely.
Benefits on mind
While performing Jala neti, excessive heat from our body gets removed; therefore, it helps to lower mental stress. Also, you will get relief from head-related conditions like headaches, migraines, etc. It can reduce anxiety very effectively. Your concentration levels can improve if you perform Jala Neti in the early morning.
Say bye to the cough and cold.
Cough and cold are frequent, especially in the winter and rainy seasons. Both are respiratory infections and the leading causes of increased mucus production and cough. Jala neti takes care of both cold and cough by removing excessive mucus and keeping the respiratory system healthy.
Hearing Issues
For people suffering from ear-related issues, especially hearing problems because of sinusitis, Jala neti is a boon for them. Jala Neti can cure a significant kind of infection.
Overcome Insomnia
Because of the excessive usage of smartphones and digital media, insomnia is now common in the young generation. Jala neti is known to improve sleeping disorders.
Improve sense of smell
Jala neti can improve your sense of smell effectively.
Save money
Last but not least. Many people suffer from diseases of the lungs, ears, nose, throat, eyes, and other organs. They visit doctors regularly and spend a lot of money to recover from these diseases. Unfortunately, in most cases, medical treatment fails to cure diseases at the root. So, instead of wasting money on expensive medical treatments, try Jala Neti once to get long-lasting results. Jala Neti is a boon for people suffering from Lungs and ENT diseases. Thus, practicing this technique will give more effective results than any medical treatment.
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