Back pain yoga
Yoga exercises for back pain
Back Pain
Many Yoga exercises for back pain are beneficial and help remove back pain for a lifetime.
Back pain is the second-leading cause of missed workdays in commerce and industry, trailing only episodes of respiratory illness. Between 50% and 60% of people are expected to have acute or chronic back pain at some point in life. Yoga offers a straightforward, efficient, and long-term remedy for this troublesome ailment, so this surrender is not required.
What causes of back pain?
In the therapeutic community, This is a hotly debated topic. Back pain defies the widely held idea that the most common causes of back pain include a slipped disc, arthritis, degenerative joint disease, or organic conditions, including rickets, Paget’s disease, or bone cancer.; however, recent studies have shown that most backaches are caused simply by muscular insufficiency and inadequate flexibility of muscles and tendons.
Scientific Research Studies
According to researchers from New York University and Columbia University in the United States, 81% of cases of acute backache have no connection with herniated lumbar discs, tumors, or organic conditions of any kind. Backpain arose, yet torturously, from muscular strain and stiffness in over 4,000 patients studied.
Acute backache
Acute backache is back pain of sudden onset and painful intensity, which puts the person entirely helpless and powerless. This discomfort can attack at any time, especially in people who lead inactive lifestyles. Statistics show that 50% and 60% of people may experience comparable circumstances.
Yoga exercises for back pain
1- Yoga Poses For Lower Back Pain
- Lie flat on the stomach with the legs and feet together and the soles of the feet uppermost.
- The arms can be positioned at the sides or under the torso, with the palms facing down or gripped. Throughout the practice, extend the chin forward and keep it there.
- Slowly raise the legs as high as possible without straining, keeping them straight and together. The legs get lifted by exerting pressure with the arms on the floor.
- Slowly lower the legs to the floor. Contracting the lower back muscles, hold the final position for as long as possible without strain. It is the end of one round of the workout.
Breathing: Inhale deeply in the starting position. Retain the breath inside while raising the legs and holding the position.
Exhale while lowering the legs. Beginners may find it helpful to inhale while raising their legs. Advanced practitioners may exhale after returning I returning to the starting position.
Duration: When conducted dynamically, up to 5 rounds are possible; only three rounds are possible when performed statically.
Benefits: This asana for back pain is that Shalabhasana strengthens the lower back and pelvic organs and relieves backache, mild sciatica, and slipped disc as long as the condition is not severe.
It tones and balances the functioning of the liver, stomach bowels, and other abdominal organs and stimulates the appetite. It tightens the muscles of the buttocks and causes the body to do vajroli mudra spontaneously.
Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)
- Sit in vajrasana. Stand on the knees with the arms at the sides.
- Knees and feet should be in line, but they can be further apart if that feels more comfortable.
- Lean backward, slowly reaching for the right heel with the right hand and then the left with the left hand. Do not strain.
- Push the hips forward, keeping the thighs vertical, and bend the head and spine backward as comfortably as possible.
- Relax the whole body, especially the back muscles, into the stretch. The legs and arms should evenly support the weight of the body.
- Return to the starting position by slowly releasing the hands from the heels one at a time. The arms should anchor the shoulders to maintain the arch of the back. Remain in the final position for as long as it is comfortable.
Breathing: Normal. The chest is extended already, so don’t try to breathe deeply.
Duration: Practice up to 3 times as a dynamic asana. Hold the final position for up to 3 minutes as a static pose.
Benefits: This asana is beneficial for the digestive and reproductive systems. It stretches the stomach and intestines, alleviating constipation. The backward bend loosens up the vertebrae and stimulates the spinal nerves, relieving backache, rounded back, and drooping shoulders.
These Yoga for lower back pain relief.
2- Yoga Poses For Upper Back Pain
Dwikonasana(double angle pose)
- Stand erect with the feet 30 cm apart.
- Extend the arms behind the back and interlock the fingers.
- Bend forward from the hips so that the back and face are parallel with the floor.
- Raise the arms behind the back as high as possible without strain.
- The arms act as a lever and accentuate the stretch given to the shoulders and chest.
- Remain in the final position for a short time, lower the arms to the back, and then return to the upright position. Repeat up to 10 times.
- Inhale while standing erect.
- Exhale while bending forward.
- Inhale while raising the arms.
- Exhale while lowering the arms.
- Inhale while returning to the upright position.
Benefits: This asana strengthens the muscles between the upper spine and the shoulder blades and develops the chest and neck. It is perfect for young, growing bodies. Yoga for upper back pain
Variation: Interlock the fingers and turn the palms of the hands outwards.
Note: The Sanskrit word DWI means ‘two’ and Kona means ‘angle”. Therefore, this is the double angle’ pose.
Bhujangasana(Cobra pose)
- Keep the hands and feet in place.
- Slide the chest forward and raise first the head, and the shoulders, then, straightening the elbows, arch the back into the cobra pose.
- Bend the head back and direct the gaze upward to the eyebrow center.
- The thighs and hips remain on the floor, and the arms support the trunk. Unless the spine is very flexible, the components will remain slightly bent.
Breathing: Inhale while raising the torso and arching the back.
Awareness: Physical-on relaxation of the spine. Spiritual-on swadhisthana chakra.
Benefits: This asana improves and deepens breathing. It can relieve back pain and maintain a flexible, healthy spine. It helps with menstruation and other gynecological diseases and tones the uterus and ovaries. All gastrointestinal organs, notably the liver and kidneys, benefit from it, as does the stimulation of hunger and relief from constipation.
These Yoga for upper back pain relief.
3. Relaxation in Shavasana or savasana:
- Relaxation in Shavasana or savasana:
- With visualization of tight, congested back muscle relaxing, letting go of tension, and flushing the area with fresh blood.
- Pranic energy is visualized flowing into the back muscles in conjunction with the breath.
These Yoga exercises for back pain should be practiced for 15 to 20 minutes each morning without fail, followed by 10 to 15 minutes in Shavasana.
Know More Info: arohan yoga school
Scientific Research On Back pain yoga by Yoga Alliance